Website Photographer

making your website photography easier for you
Changes in Website Photography
Website Photography has radically changed. With good quality point and shoot cameras website owners have come a long way in adding photos to their website. But website visitors now expect slick,
polished professional photography.
Another consideration for website owners is use of stock photography. Google indexes original photos favorably and Google images becomes an advertising tool. Equally important is not using the same photos someone else has used, particularly a competitor. Make your brand unique with original photography. Read more.
As visitors come to the place of "conversion" they have analyzed your website content—from information to photos. Together these create your online presence.
I'll Fix It in Photoshop
The misconception of hobby photographers is "I'll fix it in Photoshop". Photoshop is a great editing tool, but not a substitute for composing and shooting an excellent shot. Neither is shooting hundreds of shots hoping to get lucky. Editing is used for small nuances, touch-ups or grander images of composite photography.Thought and set up goes into each shot before clicking a frame. Have you watched a
professional photographer
set up lighting outdoors, or use flash and wondered why? It's about controlling the elements which compose the shot.Using the right lens for the right shot comes with experience. Photographers carry an assortment of lenses. Often switching lenses during the same setup will yield quite different images.
Benefits of a Professional
One of the benefits of a professional photographer is minimizing the business owner's time in organizing all the photos needed for the website. We'll help you cover all your photo needs. If you need staff photos and are looking for individual "studio" shots we can bring the studio into a spare room—set up a backdrop and minimize your staff's time away from work. Executive portraits are lifestyle portraits shot in their office or facility. View our Portfolio.The photos which anchor your home page,
staff portraits,
facility, service and/orproduct photos
are critical to your brand. Stand out from the crowd of home-made websites.Visit our Product Photography. Service based businesses visit Theme Photography to see what we can do.
"You guys made it all pretty painless and not disruptive all." —Kerber Automotive

Unique photography to set yourself apart from your competitors.
Step up your
website photography with professional, polished facility, staff and environmental shots, we serve Tucson and greater Phoenix.

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Tucson, AZ 85734
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©2025 Douglas Simon Photography
Tucson, AZ 85734
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