Commercial Photography

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Charter Bus Composite PhotographyTour Bus Composite on Arizona RoadTour Bus Composite Photo EditingTour Bus InteriorCharter Bus InteriorCommercial Tour BusesTour Bus SeatsCommercial Charter Buses Gemstone CompsiteService Truck on WhiteHelicopter PhotographyAerial Equipment PhotographyAviation PhotographyAirplane Hangar
add the wow factor

Composite Photography

Sometimes logistically that great photo for your commercial presentation is not feasible. Composite photography uses multiple images and photo editing techniques to merge, blend and extract to create a stunning photo.

This tour bus drives into Arizona frequently, but shooting on location was not affordable, nor is manipulating a bus an easy task. Choosing background images allowed us to photograph the bus to match the background with finishing touches to complete the realism.

Achieving a great composite requires planning of the complete vision, controling the main component and what the final use will be.

Commercial Photography

From buses, helicopters, delivery trucks and airplane hangars large products require attention to detail and planning for a successful and time efficient photo session.

Whether you are selling a product or services commercial photography is part of your marketing promotion. We know how to photograph your product or business to highlight its features.

We shoot on-site or small product photography we shoot in-house.

We offer full photo editing services.

Composite photography is a great solution for a location photo of your product serving

Tucson, Phoenix, Marana and Pima County.

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Product Photography
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