Executive Portrait Gallery

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Corporate Portrait PhotographerExecutive Portrait PhotographerExecutive PortraitDentist Portrait PhotographyAttorney Portrait PhotographyFemale Executive PortraitExecutive PortraitMedical Doctor PortraitBusiness HeadshotExecutive PortraitExecutive PortraitLaw Practice PhotographyDental Lifestyle PortraitBusiness HeadshotExecutive Lifestyle PortraitExecutive PortraitCorporate PhotographyGroup Executive PortraitBusiness PortraitLifestyle PortraitExecutive PortraitCorporate PortraitDental PortraitVeterinarian Portrait
On-site Corporate Headshots and Executive Portraits

What's the Difference?
Professionals know the value of presentation. That philosophy extends to the way you present yourself and your staff in print and on the web.

Executive portraits are quite purposeful—they need to convey the sitter as genuine. Upon meeting the executive the portrait needs to match the person.

Body language plays a role in any portrait but for the executive slight changes in stance or sitting can convey the confidence and trust you are seeking to project. On all these elements we work closely with our client to achieve his/her goal.

Additionally executive portraits speak of leadership and strong positive qualities. Our goal is to capture these in a creative atmosphere and/or headshot with backdrop.

Choosing the right setting is a highly personal decision made by the executive. Typically, these sessions are detailed and, therefore, require more setup time by the photographer and his assistant.

The executive will spend minimal time in front of the camera. To assure a successful and efficient photo session, we require a “pre-shoot” conversation to review site and sitting specifications.

Often an

executive portrait

is taken for one purpose and later becomes "reused" for awards, articles, annual reports and formal wall-sized portraits for offices or corporate galleries.

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